Art Direction

MIZIZI x Coming 2 America


Tasked with coming up with a campaign concept for MIZIZI’s collaboration with Paramount Studios, I felt no shortage of pressure (I’m a perfectionist, I did this to myself 😅)!

I decided to approach this project in a semi-simple way….”Let’s play on Nostalgia!”

The original film created a sense of nostalgia for many viewers over the years and what I remember most (aside from the humor) was how they went all out on the regality of the characters and the space. Luckily, I found a location in Dallas, TX that had exactly the regal feel we needed!

Art Director: Temi Lawson

Photographer: Kwesi Yanful

Videographers: Aaron Lwsn (@aaronlwsn), Arnold Lawson (@byseyi), (@dvn_world)

Models: Madison King, Kongo Bones, Francois Kendama, Aisha Abuga

MUA: Ashley Colbert

Lead Stylist: Amanda Taymor

Styling Assistant: Brianna Lanette

MIZIZI: Diaspora Diaries

MIZIZI: Diaspora Diaries

Blackness isn't a monolith. Though we share this beautiful melanated skin, some of our experiences are different. The languages we speak, the food we eat, the music we listen to, and the clothes we like. Black is beautiful, but it's also diverse.

For MIZIZI International's black history month launch, I set out to tell 4 different stories rather than just "sell" our jerseys. We call it the #DiasporaDiaries. I had so much fun and learned so much from ideation to production and everything in between!

Here's Bianca representing the Afrolatinas this black history month! For More videos from the series, click here

Art Direction: Temi Lawson

Videography: Arnold Lawson, Aaron Lawson, Aaron Lewis

Digital Photography: Paa Kwesi Yanful

Film Photography: Temi Lawson

MUA: Devin David

Stylist: Amanda Taymor

Thanks to Jasmine, Yonnas, Gabe & Bianca for telling their unique stories and Nyanjam, Okigbo and Amara for SERVING (aka modeling)!